While the Fourth of July is generally a day of fun and excitement, it is also a day where very frequently, needless injuries occur. If you are having your friends and family over this Fourth of July, there are certain things you need to know in order to ensure nobody gets hurt on your watch. If you fail to ensure the safety of others while they are on your property, there is a good chance you will be held accountable. Here are some questions you may have regarding Fourth of July swimming pool safety:
What should I do to ensure my swimming pool is safe for everybody?
- One of the most important things you can do is never leave a child unattended–under any circumstance. While there are several physical modifications you can make to your pool and the area around it, keeping an eye on children at all times may be the biggest lifesaver of all
- If your swimming pool has a removable ladder, as many above-ground pools do, be sure to take the ladder down if the pool is not in use. Many children who cannot swim are attracted to the pool, but once they are in, they don’t know what to do. To avoid this nightmare, all you have to do is remove the ladder and set it off to the side
- Install all proper fencing, barriers, and alarms in and around the pool area. You should also keep hazard signs on hand, such as wet floor signs. While you may think it obvious, it may actually surprise you how many people sustain injuries from poolside slip-and-fall injuries each year. If you do not post a proper warning sign, you may be held accountable for the injuries sustained by another party in the event of an accident
- In the best-case scenario, either you or someone at your party will know how to perform CPR in the event of an emergency. As a general rule of thumb, if you are a pool owner, you should learn how to perform CPR. You never know when you may need it
- You should always swim sober and ensure all others who plan on swimming are in good condition to do so
- If your pool does not have a clearly labeled safe diving area, you must inform anyone who goes into the pool. Many people are injured every summer by diving headfirst into water that is too shallow.
- Ensure all children stay away from drains
If your yard or pool area requires any additional accommodations, you must promptly act as needed, before your guests arrive. If an accident were to occur and you are held accountable, you will wish you took the necessary precautions beforehand. Remember, it is always better to act proactively, rather than reflexively.
Contact our Maryland firm
If you have been injured as a result of a defective product and wish to speak with an attorney, contact the Law Offices of Markey & Orsi today.
The legal team at Markey & Orsi has proudly represented clients who have been injured throughout the state of Maryland due to the negligence of another party for nearly 30 years. If you require strong legal representation, contact Markey & Orsi today to schedule a consultation.