How Much Is My Personal Injury Claim Worth in Maryland?

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When you are injured and pursue a claim against the negligent party for the compensation you deserve, it’s not uncommon to wonder how much your personal injury claim is worth. However, it’s vital to understand that there is no calculator that you can plug your circumstances into and receive an estimate. In reality, determining the value of a claim is an incredibly complex process. However, you can familiarize yourself with the factors that can influence the outcome of your case to get a better idea of what to expect. The following blog explores what you should know about these matters and why it’s in your best interest to work with personal injury attorneys in Baltimore County for further assistance.

What Factors Influence How Much a Personal Injury Claim Worth?

First and foremost, it’s critical to understand that there are several factors that will influence how much your personal injury case is worth. No two cases are the same, so you’ll need to look at your circumstances with an attorney to get an accurate estimate of the damages you’ve sustained. However, familiarizing yourself with the factors that influence how much a claim is worth can help you get a better idea of the value of your claim.

Generally, when you are injured due to the negligent actions of another person, you can seek two kinds of damages – economic and non-economic. Economic damages reflect actual, monetary losses you’ve sustained like hospital bills and lost wages. In fact, hospital bills are one of the most important factors when determining the cost of a claim. Typically, the more severe your injuries are, the more your claim is worth. Additionally, lost wages can impact your claim, as taking a few days off work to recover and never being able to work again as a result of the injuries will result in two drastically different monetary amounts.

Additionally, non-economic damages, which represent emotional losses like pain and suffering or losses of enjoyment of life, will also drastically vary depending on your circumstances. For example, an Olympic-hopeful athlete who becomes paralyzed will likely receive more compensation for their suffering than someone who sustains a scar on their leg.

Do I Need a Lawyer to Help Me Recover Compensation?

If you have sustained injuries and wish to pursue a claim against the negligent party, it is imperative to connect with an experienced attorney. These matters can be incredibly complex and trying to navigate the process of calculating your compensation on your own can have unfavorable outcomes. Having legal representation means you can have peace of mind that your case is in competent hands while you heal from the injuries you’ve endured.

At the Law Offices of Markey & Orsi, we understand the devastating being in an accident caused by the negligence of another person can be. That is why our legal team will do everything possible to help you fight for the justice you deserve. Connect with our team today to learn how we can assist you in the fight for justice.

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