Many people use bicycles every day. This may be to get to where they need to be or as a means of exercise. When bikers are on the road, they often create a distraction for drivers. This can sometimes cause devastating accidents to happen. Bikes do not offer riders the same protection that cars do for drivers. This is why bike riders should always wear protective gear. This can include the use of helmets, padding, and reflective wear. However, even with this gear, accidents can still cause injuries.
Causes of Bicycle Accidents
While it is true that protective gear exists to help bike riders in the event of an accident, it cannot completely prevent injuries from happening. Accidents can sometimes be very severe and impact a person for the rest of their life. There are many ways a bicycle accident can happen while on the road. This can include the following:
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Reckless driving
- Using electronic devices without hands-free technology
- Distracted driving
- Driver fatigue
Seeking Compensation
When a person is injured in a bike accident with another driver, they may be able to receive financial compensation. This exists to provide coverage for any injured victims who find themselves with damages due to the accident.
When automobile accidents happen in the state of Maryland, the term Personal Injury Protection (PIP) is often thrown around. In these situations, it is important to understand what PIP is. This is no-fault insurance that most automobile insurance policies carry for those who are involved in automobile accidents in the state. The insurance provides these victims with financial support that is necessary to cover expenses stemming from the accident. It can cover the cost of any medical bills and lost wages that arise as a result of the incident. With this compensation, they can focus on recovering from the accident instead of worrying about overwhelming added expenses. Insurance policies award PIP regardless of who is at fault for the accident.
If compensation through PIP does not cover all the necessary expenses, it is possible to receive further compensation. This can be done through a personal injury lawsuit. This works to hold a negligent party liable for their involvement in causing the accident. If successful, the injured party may be able to receive additional compensation from the negligent party to cover the excess costs.
Contact our Firm
If you have been injured in a personal injury accident and wish to speak with an attorney, contact the Law Offices of Markey & Orsi today.
The legal team at Markey & Orsi has proudly represented clients who have been injured throughout the state of Maryland due to the negligence of another party for nearly 30 years. If you require strong legal representation, contact Markey & Orsi today to schedule a consultation.