For many, driving is a freeing and independent activity. After all, many adults enjoy rolling the windows down and listening to their favorite songs while traveling. However, for others, driving is their livelihood. Because they spend so much time on the road as their job, truck drivers often become tired, like any other person at their job. However, due to the dangerous nature of driver fatigue, a tired trucker can lead to devastating accidents. If you were hurt, Baltimore County truck accident attorneys can help you recover the compensation you deserve.
What Is Driver Fatigue, and Why Are Truckers Heavily Impacted?
When people get behind the wheel of a vehicle when they are tired or sleepy, it can cause several serious accidents. Similarly, drivers can grow fatigued with time as they drive.
Due to the nature of truck driving, those behind the wheel are heavily impacted as they spend their working hours traveling across the nation. To help deter drivers from accidents, the federal government imposed mandates for how many hours drivers can travel per day, mandatory break periods, and limitations on hours worked. However, drivers and their employers may disregard these mandates to meet or exceed delivery expectations, prioritizing profits over safety.
How Does It Lead to Accidents?
When a driver is tired, they have slower reaction times. Unfortunately, many drivers can experience microsleep, which can last several seconds. Though this does not seem too long, any length of unconsciousness behind the wheel can be devastating. Similarly, drivers who fall asleep at the wheel can miss other drivers breaking, cars switching lanes, hazards, and other changes in traffic conditions. Drivers may also veer from their lane into oncoming traffic. As such, these drivers may be involved in accidents that would have been otherwise avoided if they were awake and alert.
Who Can Be Held Liable for Injuries?
If you are involved in an accident and have reason to believe that the negligent trucker was asleep at the wheel, knowing how to proceed is vital. You should begin by calling emergency services to request medical attention and a police presence.
Once you have left the accident scene, you should contact an attorney immediately. They can help you recover compensation. Generally, the driver and their employer can be held liable for accidents. If the driver or the logistics company are discovered to alter their logs to make it appear the driver is adhering to federal regulations when in reality they are driving over the hours of service, both entities can be held liable.
At the Law Offices of Markey & Orsi, we understand how damaging it can be to be the victim of an accident involving a large truck. As such, we will do everything possible to fight for the justice you deserve at the hands of a negligent driver and their employer. Contact our firm today to learn how we will fight for you.