When drivers are not operating their motor vehicles in a safe manner, they may cause accidents to occur on the road and someone can become injured. This can occur with another motor vehicle, truck or even with a pedestrian. Pedestrians travel on sidewalks along the road and have to cross the street all the time, which can cause an accident to occur where they are struck by a car. If drivers are not paying attention to their surroundings, they may strike a pedestrian. This can cause serious injuries to the pedestrian. They do not have any protection from a motor vehicle. This can result in a heap of medical bills that they are unable to pay. If this occurs, pedestrians have the right to seek damages. The damages from a lawsuit can help them gain compensation to pay for their medical bills.
After you win a lawsuit, you may be able to receive damages. These damages may be able to provide compensation to benefit you. Economic damages can help to pay off medical bills for treatment from the injuries that you have sustained as a result of being hit by the car. Being hit by a car can cause detrimental injuries to an individual that can even be life-threatening and can require care that can become expensive. These injuries may be long-term and require extra support and care for the rest of your life, creating financial difficulty for some individuals. By acquiring damages in your lawsuit, it can provide compensation for the surmounting medical bills that you may have to face. Economic and non-economic damages can help victims of a pedestrian accident. While economic damages covers medical bills, non-economic damages can compensate for emotional turmoil that you suffered from due to the accident.
How can pedestrian accidents occur?
Every human being is subject to human error. This means that drivers can commit various acts that contribute to pedestrian accidents. If a driver is not aware of their surroundings of they are speeding, they may cause an accident to occur. Other traffic violations can contribute to an accident as well. These accidents can be avoided if drivers were more aware of their surroundings and refrained from violating traffic laws. They should not be using their cell phones while operating a motor vehicle or be distracted in any way. They should be following the speed limits that are posted so that they do not risk the failure of stopping short to miss hitting a pedestrian on the road. Drivers need to make sure they are doing all they can to prevent accidents that can harm another individual.
The legal team at Markey & Orsi has proudly represented clients who have been injured throughout the state of Maryland due to the negligence of another party for nearly 30 years. If you require strong legal representation, contact Markey & Orsi today to schedule a consultation.