Around 10,000 people are killed nationwide in drunk driving accidents every year. What’s more, around half of all car crashes are alcohol-related. These are staggering numbers, and despite the fact that drinking while under the influence is illegal, thousands of people do it every single day. If you are someone who was involved in a car crash with a drunk driver, you are most likely now severely injured. Fortunately, financial compensation attained via a lawsuit can help you get back on your feet again. If you are considering pursuing legal action against a negligent party, here are some of the questions you may have:
How do I recover compensation if I was injured in a drunk driving accident?
To successfully sue a drunk driver, you must first satisfy the burden of proof. This means that you will have to prove you were injured as a direct result of a drunk driver’s negligence. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney is your best bet.
How do I prove a personal injury claim?
To satisfy the burden of proof, you and your attorney will work to recover several types of evidence and information pertaining to the circumstances and aftermath of your crash. Some of the most useful evidence in proving personal injury claims can include footage of the accident, witness statements verifying your claim, medical documents detailing the extent of your injuries, police reports, and more.
Once you file your claim, you must always watch what you post on social media. If you post anything that may even remotely disprove your claim, insurance companies can use it against you to deny you the compensation you need. For example, if you say in your claim that you broke your leg at the hands of a drunk driver, yet you post a picture of you running a marathon, insurance companies may take this picture, albeit out of context, and try to deny your claim. Do not let this happen.
What is the statute of limitations in the state of Maryland?
The statute of limitations in Maryland is three years, which, rather simply, means you will have three years from the date of your accident to pursue a lawsuit against a negligent party. Do not wait. By hiring a skilled attorney immediately, you ensure your lawsuit will be handled in a timely fashion. If you wait too long, you will be denied your right to sue. We are here to help.
Contact our experienced Maryland firm
The legal team at Markey & Orsi has proudly represented injured clients throughout the state of Maryland for almost 30 years. If you have been injured due to another party’s negligence and require strong legal representation, contact Markey & Orsi today to schedule a consultation.